Monday, April 6

how much water are you drinking??

Did you know that you can increase good health by making sure that you get enough water? Yes plain water that has been purified in some way. The water most of us get from the tap is full of chemicals that is bad for our health. Do not drink tap water, unless you have your own well, which you know is not contaminated.

Drinking water is essential for a healthy body. Water regulates body temperature, lubricates joints, keeps skin youthful and muscles strong.

Water is present in every cell and tissue and involved in so many biological functions: digestion, absorption,
circulation and excretion. It helps us with keeping our hormones balanced and our brain chemistry Relies on water for proper balance. Water gives us energy and strengthens the immune system.

Most people are not drinking enough water and are semi
dehydrated. Your body cannot work at optimum level without
the water it needs.

What happens when you don't drink enough water?

I won't go into all the details, but do want to mention a few things here. All the things mentioned above that water
helps keep in balance and lubricated are affected when you don't drink water. You will not feel as well as you possibly could, your body does not have what it needs for good health and so your health declines.

Here is one example of what I mean: When you do not get enough water throughout the day, your body just does not have the needed fluid and sometimes tries to pull it from where it can and distribute it to the places that need
hydration the most. One place that water is pulled from is your digestive system. When you do not drink enough water it leads to constipation.

As we all know, constipation is not a good thing. Besides the uncomfortable, sick feeling there are other things going on. Transit time slows down and some of the toxins and
poisons dumped into the digestive system begin to recirculate.

If you do become constipated, I would suggest using Natural Moves. Natural Moves is a 100% natural, safe and effective herbal remedy to stop constipation naturally without risk of dehydration,
mineral imbalance or dependency.

Natural Moves Tablets can be used both for chronic and occasional constipation. The herbs used in Natural Moves promote healthy digestion and act as a good liver tonic, avoiding the risk of dependency and side effects associated with some other laxative products.

As these toxins build up they store in your tissues causing ill health. Kidneys separate water from the waste in the
blood, so there is a strain put on them when toxicity levels increase. Along with that the Liver then has quite a
bit more to do, trying to detoxify the system as a whole.

Drinking water is the most important drink you can consume for good health. With this being the case, I suggest that you drink one quart of water for every 50 pounds of weight. So if you
weighed 150 pounds, you would need to drink 3 quarts of water.

I also find it best if a person will actually measure the needed water out, into a container each day. Other wise
most people lose track of how much they did drink. So they usually do not drink enough water for the day.

Why not put this information to use today? No matter where your health is at this point, consuming drinking water in the required amount will aid you in reaching better health and maintaining it.
that's all



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